Architecture Eames House


203 Chautauqua Boulevard, Pacific Palisades, CA

The Eames House is an exceptionally important work of postwar Modern residential design and construction, and it embodies many of the distinguishing characteristics and ideals of postwar Modernism in the United States. It is regarded as one of the most significant experiments in American domestic architecture. It is also significant for its association with the Case Study House Program. The Case Study House Program was a product of the many concerns regarding housing and architecture voiced in the post-World War II period. It was to be a concentrated program of commissioning houses by a select group of architects, thereby providing an opportunity for innovative architects to imagine, design, and construct the ideal home for a postwar American family. The Eames House, or Case Study House #8, is the most recognizable and most widely published of all the residences completed with the Case Study House Program. The Eames House is the property most closely associated with nationally significant designers Charles and Ray Eames. This property served as their private residence and working studio throughout their long and prolific careers as furniture designers, filmmakers, photographers, exhibition designers, and graphic artists. This property is also one of the few architectural works attributed to Charles and Ray Eames.